As a result of the Coronavirus emergency, since March 2020, the public opening services of institutions and places of culture have been suspended throughout the country, as well as shows of all kinds, including theatrical and cinematographic, But when the contagion started to fall, you immediately thought about the coming summer and those who would pass in the city. The options were very few and not all were able to meet the spacing and precautions needed at the time.
By definition, the drive-in is a public space where you can receive a service by sitting comfortably in the car. In this case we speak of cinema drive-in, which were rediscovered and spread in the period that followed the Lockdown of early 2020. This idea has been welcomed in different parts of Italy as a valid option given the closed cinemas. Every one had the opportunity to review historical films or even new releases thanks to a program according to which you could choose the evening you preferred and booking. Often they were free of charge or if it was paid, the proceeds were often given to charity.

One of the cities that organized itself was Bergamo, one of the most affected by the pandemic. Organized in the square of the Celadina, called Seat Summer Arena, saw 20 evenings, four per week, from 8 July 2020. There are 130 parking spaces in front of a screen of over 90 square meters. For those who do not have a vehicle you can also present on foot or by bike and put yourself in a section dedicated to them. To avoid noise pollution, a frequency is given at the entrance (provided by Radio Numerone) that allows each listener to hear the audio of the film directly with the radio of their car. The event has a cost of 12 euros: the profit of the twenty evenings will then be donated to the association Aid Woman of Bergamo.